Monday, June 10, 2019

LUNCHBOX IDEAS :: Riced Vegetable Stir-Fry

This dish does not contain egg, dairy or wheat.

Happy Monday Friends!  Goodness, I can't believe it's almost mid-June!  Time is literally flying right now.  My daughter is done with school on Thursday and we have just over a week after that to go.  It's. literally. over. 

 We had the most amazing weather this weekend so Monday felt very uphill.  Good weather in June puts you into vacation mode, don't you think?  We watched "The Secret Life of Pets 2" with the kids yesterday and now they are campaigning for a rabbit.  Apparently, the rabbit in the movie made a big impresion on them.  Wish me luck on this one.

Now let's talk about this flavorful stir-fry!  The riced vegetable medley is a must-try from Trader Joe's.  It contains cauliflower, broccoli, carrots and green and yellow onion.  It is super flavorful and cooks in a breeze.  Like I said, it's a must-try!

Here's what you need to prepare this stir-fry at home:

All ingredients are from Trader Joe's
4 servings
1 bag of Riced Vegetable Medley
1/2 cup cooked white quinoa
garlic powder and ginger
1 tetra brik container of cannellini beans
1/2 cup sliced almonds
olive oil


Prepare 1 cup of quinoa and set aside.  Saute the riced vegetable medley for a couple of minutes in a little bit of olive oil and garlic.  Add the quinoa.  Add the rinsed white beans and mix gently.  Season to taste with salt.  Mix in the sliced almonds last.  Add garlic powder and ginger to taste.  

Voila!  Not bad at all.  I enjoyed this easy dish at lunch today.  I find that fun lunches like this just make my afternoon so much better.  This one is low carb but still has some good fat from the sliced almonds.

Enjoy this super easy and flavorful stir-fry!  Take a photo and share on Instagram using #peoniesandalatte to show us your creations.

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