Monday, June 4, 2018

Gluten-Free Banana Breakfast Muffins

We had quite a roller coaster in the weather department this weekend!  I am missing yesterday's sunshine right now as I look at the drizzle and cloud cover outside.  I am wondering if the weather pattern will remain this unstable throughout the summer.  Either way, we had lots of time outside this weekend which was nice and worked wonders with my two active kiddos.  My eldest is learning how to ride her bike without training wheels.  So exciting!

Now lets talk about these muffins!  I can't get over their texture!  If you have been following my blog for a while, you will notice that I use bananas a lot in my baking.  It's simply because that is one of the fruits both my kiddos love.  Bananas hide well in baked goods too so I'm less likely to have an unhappy child at breakfast.  These muffins are very easy to prepare and will make breakfast a breeze.  You can enjoy them sitting down, or on-the-go on those crazy mornings when you are running behind.  Either way, you'll find that they are a healthy and yummy choice to start the day right because they are high in protein and have no added sugar.

Here's the recipe I used:
1.5 cups almond flour
1/2 cup millet flour
1 scoop Naturade pea protein powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 cup coconut flakes (more for sprinkling)
1/4 tsp salt
2 bananas (mashed)
1 egg
1 cup almond milk (unsweetened)
1 tsp vanilla
I mixed the wet and dry ingredients separately and then combined them together.  This mix is enough for 7 large muffins.  I baked the muffins at 350F for 25 min.  These muffins are delicious and moist!  They have that lovely cake-like texture that we have all grown to love thanks to the millet flour.

Here are the nutrition facts for these muffins:

Not a bad start for the day, don't you think?  If you want to lower the fat content of these, you can omit the coconut in the recipe.  I think it adds to the texture and taste though.  Coconut is also a source of good fats for all, specially children!

We will be enjoying these muffins this week!  Hope you do, too.

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