Friday, March 24, 2023


Happy Friday!  Spring is finally here, so ice cream Sunday is back!  I couldn't be more excited.  Lucas has his first baseball practice this Saturday which should be exciting.  Other than that, we don't have much on the books.

Enjoy this week's round-up!

1.  Fitness apps::  If you are still working out at home like me, this is a good selection of fitness appsI have tried so many over the years.  My current favorite, pvolve, is not included though.  

2. Spring dessert:: Does't this pound cake scream Spring?  

3.  High protein veggies:: If you are working on increasing your protein intake like me, this list is a good reminder!  You can combine a couple of these in a quinoa bowl for a filling and nutritious lunch.

4.  On body positivity:: Watch this.  Beautiful words.

5.  Fanny pack:: So I have been thinking about getting one for a while.  I came across this brand and just love all the colors.  Which color would you pick?

Thank you for reading this post!

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