Tulips are making me ridiculously happy this year. I guess I am just ready to dive into Spring!
I thought it would be fun to share 5 things on my Spring bucket list. So here we go!
1. Work on our yard :: Last year we did a lot of work on the beds which kept the dreaded weeds away. This year, I want to add more flowers and bushes to our beds to fill them in more. We also need to plant a hydrangea bush because we sadly had to cut ours down when we had a wall unit installed this fall. I see this as the perfect excuse to have the row of hydrangea bushes I have always wanted. The question remains, blue or purple? I think I know the answer.
2. Clean the basement :: Yikes! Not very glamorous, I know, but I would like to keep decluttering and organizing. After Christmas, I organized all our holiday decor into categories and now everything has its own labeled bucket. So satisfying! The basement floor paint could also use a touch of paint too.
3. Visit a new-to-us town or fun spot :: I think this will be fun! There are so many quaint towns close by that we have not explored yet. I know that if I find good ice cream along the way, they will be game. I've always wanted to go to the tulip festival so that's definitely on my list.
4. Keep up with the reading :: I am so enjoying reading right now and I want to keep going!
5. More time outdoors :: I so missed our walks this winter. It was just too cold to be out but the nice weather we've been having is so inviting! And it's amazing how much good a long walk does to the spirit after being in front of a screen all day.
Now tell me, what's on your Spring bucket list?
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