This dish does not contain egg, dairy or wheat
Happy Monday Guys! If you were off today, I hope you had a relaxing day. Mine was not as peaceful as I hoped for since, after a very cold spell, my car would not start this morning. What we thought was just a new battery job turned out to be a battery and alternator. When it rains, it pours as they say. I'm thankful it happened today though when we were all off and not tomorrow when we all need to be somewhere quick early in the morning.
I did a lot of cooking this weekend and have some fun recipes coming up for you guys. This power kale was a quick dish that I thought of after seeing the contents of our weekly veggie box. I have been trying to add more iron to my diet with the hopes of improving my hair health, so pairing kale with quinoa and lentils was a no brainer. I'll be sure to chase this yummy dish with some vitamin c to make sure I absorb all the iron.

Here's what you need to make this dish at home.
4 servings
2 bunches of kale
1 cup of quinoa (cooked)
1 cup of lentils (cooked)
1/2 onion
1 tsp ginger
olive oil and salt
Cook 1 cup of quinoa in 2 cups of water. Simmer on low until fluffy. Set aside. Repeat for lentils. Peel and cut 1/2 onion. Saute in a pan until fragrant. Wash and cut the kale. Add to the pan and cook. Make sure you don't burn it. Fold in the lentils. Fold in the quinoa. Add ginger and season to taste.
This is such a yummy and easy dish friends. It also has a powerhouse of good nutrition and plant protein for you. Just make sure you don't overcook the lentils or quinoa (so easy to do!).
We'll be enjoying this dish at lunch for the first half of the week. I love prepping meals ahead of time. It makes packing lunch a breeze.
Enjoy this super easy and flavorful power kale! Take a photo and share on Instagram using #peoniesandalatte to show us your creations.
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