I've been trying to cut down on the plastic we use at home. Hand soap has been on my radar for a while. Not only is it hard to find a clean kind, we also go through a lot of it and the skin on my hands can easily get on the dry side. I think it's partly all those years working in a lab with gloves on full-time taking a toll.
I made my own hand soap once a while ago but was not really sold on it. I had a traditional soap dispenser and it just seemed too runny. I missed the traditional foamy texture.
I was browsing Amazon one night and found these foam soap dispensers and felt the itch to try again. I guess a foaming soap is a must with a DIY hand soap recipe. I never thought about it. These dispensers are made out of glass and they are tinted so I can add essential oils to my hand soap recipes which makes me a happy gal. I love the chrome top which is supposed to be rust resistant and the fact that the little plastic in the design is all BPA-free.
Are these dispensers toddler-friendly? So far so good! Lucas loves them and seems very careful with them. Fingers crossed he stays like this.
Here is the recipe I used:
1/8 cup Castille soap
2.5 cups water
2 tbsp grapeseed oil
12 drops essential oil
Mix well and aliquot into dispensers! Super easy!
I added lemon essential oil to the kitchen soap dispenser and lavender essential oil to the rest. I love the natural smell!
The grapeseed oil makes this hand soap hydrating. It is very hydrating and nourishing for your skin. My hands feel clean and my skin is staying hydrated! I'm loving it! I plan to make a new batch every two weeks at the latest to keep the soap fresh. I might try almond oil which is also very nourishing for the skin.
Have you tried making your own hand soap? Did you like it!
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