Monday, September 9, 2019

LUNCHBOX IDEAS :: Green Stir Fry

This stir fry does not contain egg or gluten.

Happy Monday!  I hope you had a relaxing weekend.  I am trying to find my new normal since we just got back to school.  It's always an adjustment for the kids and myself.  Lucas, for instance, was back to napping at school last week and it definitely had an impact on his night sleep and mood.  He will adjust, I know.  

This green stir fry recipe is easy and delicious.  I had it on stories a couple of weeks ago and I'm just getting around to sharing the details with you.  It's been so busy!

Here's what you need to make this dish at home:

All ingredients are from Trader Joe's 

4 servings
1 cup green peas
2 zucchinis
3 green onions
1 cup cooked quinoa
1 bag baby kale
1/4 cup hemp seeds 
olive oil and salt
1 tsp ginger

Cook the quinoa and set aside to cool.  Wash the zucchinis and green onions.  Peel the zucchinis and cut into triangles.  Slice the green onions and saute them with a little bit of olive oil until they are slightly brown.  Add the zucchinis and cook.  Add the kale and cook.  Incorporate the cooked quinoa and mix well.  Add the hemp seeds and mix.  Season with salt and add the ginger.  

Voila!  An easy and healthy stir-fry to start your week of on a healthy note.  It is packed with plant protein and good fat and is also anti-inflammatory because of the ginger.

Enjoy this super easy and flavorful stir-fry!  Take a photo and share on Instagram using #peoniesandalatte to show us your creations.

Thank you for reading this post!

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