Monday, December 31, 2018

LIFE LATELY :: Looking Back at 2018

Happy New Year's Eve!  Wow, I can't believe the year is drawing to a close pretty soon.  I wanted to put together the top nine recipes of 2018 into a collage.  Some of these recipes got 50+ reads which just blows me away.  My scope widened as the year progressed and I branched into cookies, donuts, donut holes and even plantains.  I tried my own healthy version of traditional favorites and even incorporated matcha into my recipes.  It is so fun to look back at these top nine!  I am so thankful for your support and your kind words along the way.  You inspire me on a daily basis! 

I will always remember 2018 because it was the year I landed my first job in public school.  This was my long term goal when I transitioned from academic research into education after my daughter was born.  I also became an American citizen at the end of December.  I haven't shared with you that I am a natural of Spain.  I came to the States for college and kind of never went back.  I went on for my PhD after I graduated, met my husband and the rest is history.  My two kiddos have dual citizenship and now I am officially an American citizen too.  We were in town with them today checking out the ice sculptures they make every year, and, when I saw the flag hanging from the Boston Harbor hotel at Rowe's Wharf, I felt so proud.  Having been here for so many years, it feels very special to be finally official.  Last but not least, 2018 was also the year I took the plunge and joined Beautycounter.  I had been dabbling with the idea for a while and I finally decided it was time to try and see what happens.  I so very much identify with their mission to bring safe cosmetics into the hands of everybody.  I hope to inspire you to take a good look at what you are putting on your skin and think about switching to safer.  The switch can feel overwhelming but it doesn't have to be.  If you make it gradual it will be more attainable.

Here's to a New Year filled with new dreams and goals to accomplish!  I look forward to continue to grow and watch you grow, too!

Happy 2019!

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