Tuesday, September 1, 2020

MOM LIFE :: A Different September

It's officially September.  How did we even get here?  I feel like the summer just flew by!  This September sure feels different.  

Nahia will be entering fourth grade and going to school remotely full-time.  We had a choice between a hybrid set-up with kids going in every other week or remote full-time.  We chose the latter since my husband is still working from home and we feel it will give her more consistency. I feel lucky that we could make it work for her.  

Her laptop is still pretty much in the picture, whether she's hybrid or remote.  I'm trying to see the silver lining in it and focus on the positives.  She'll definitely grow very tech savvy through all of this.  I remember teaching her last spring how to close tabs and turn on video and audio on zoom.  I wonder what we'll learn this year.

We are still doing soccer this fall.  At least we signed them up and we are keeping all fingers crossed.  They both love soccer and I know it will do them a lot of good.  

Lucas' plan is still up in the air.  He could not go back to his school because they are only having toddlers next year.  At this point, we feel that a part-time program with a small class size is what we feel most comfortable with. Again, I feel very lucky that we can make this work.  

Getting ready for school has definitely been different this year too.  We would usually head out to Target together and the kids would have fun looking for all the supplies and picking out a new water bottle or lunchbox.  This year we got most of them online and then I headed in by myself to grab what was missing.  It felt quiet.

I'd love to hear how back to school has been going for you!  I envision a lot of rough mornings ahead as my crew gets used to waking up early again.    

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